China’s auto industry swept away

They say the difference between a man and a boy is the price of his toys. I turn my gaze and as if it were yesterday I remember those Saturday mornings from my childhood when my father would pick me up home after an examination in room 12 Saint Thomas Hospitalto switch to Morrison House Toy Shop from 4th of July Avenue.

My childish pupils dilated at the spectacle, much like a Christmas birth without it being December, where the variety and quantity seemed endless.

I think my dad, in the background with a transcendent smile, was enjoying the scene with a greater appetite than I was, reminiscing, perhaps, of his early years.

With the patience of a lion who, after analyzing his surroundings, is ready to pounce on his prey, Toño lurked near the box and made me choose a toy from the bundles I had accumulated in my cart, something I suspect he would have done with mine as well. mother at Fastlicht jewelry store, where the bill was surely more difficult and refusal could result in fatal consequences.

My first car was a used Ford Capri that I bought for $1,600 on an overcrowded lot. red flags in Fremont, Nebraska, during the summer of 1974.

This resulted in great freedom during my student days, exchanging bulky 8-Trac listening cassettes between beatles ballads, the magnificent Barry White with his theme Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Baby and Sweet Home, Alabama, Performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Changes in the North American automotive market were already evident. My Ford Capri, for example, did Ford of Europe in Saarlouis, Germany. The appetite for European and Japanese cars attacked the hegemony General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.

At the beginning of the century XXI dominance of industry American cars have eroded around the world, overtaken by the entry into the market of high-quality Japanese, Korean and European cars made in their countries of origin and even in North America.

It had a short life. Since 2009, car production in China accounted for more than 32% of the world, exceeding the combined production United States, Japan and the European Union. Its 4 biggest producers FAIC, Donfeng, FAW and Changan They lead the bubble industry which, despite the concentration of its sales on the Chinese domestic market, the largest in the world, has recently opened its expansion to the rest of the world, already occupying the second place in the world as an exporter of cars by 2022.

In a personal capacity, wanting to replace, i.e. complements my 2004 Toyota Prado Diesel As a result of my wife’s constant complaints, we conducted a full analysis of the market, including specifically my preference for electric cars, concluding, after careful investigation, that the technology of the electric car market will be radically improved in about 5 years. , for which we limit our offer to gasoline cars.

After studying the space available in Panama, as a result bass introduction strategy costs together with undoubtedly dominant technology and performance, we decided on the Chinese offer. Between all the delicious options available, we decided on the car Changan Uni-K newly introduced on the market istmeño.

Now it will be my turn to continue learning for at least a month to familiarize myself with all the virtues of the extraordinary mechanics offered by this vehicle that has no reason to envy any other, neither in the engine, nor in its beautiful bodywork, nor in its optimal technology, because it on the contrary, becoming a benchmark on the isthmus market.

Source: Panama America



I am David Miller, a highly experienced news reporter and author for 24 Instant News. I specialize in opinion pieces and have written extensively on current events, politics, social issues, and more. My writing has been featured in major publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and BBC News. I strive to be fair-minded while also producing thought-provoking content that encourages readers to engage with the topics I discuss.

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