Hornalist from La Voz Tamara Montero defends culture for the ao recoller or Carracedo award

Rosendo Fernández presents the Carracedo award to Tamara Montero

Rosendo Fernández presents the Carracedo award to Tamara Montero Author: Santi M. Amil

The editor of the delegation from Santiago received the Ourense Deputation Award for his report on A Cidade da Selva, Casaija

To the jungle city It is a space of historical memory that has become a beautiful and recognized project that is affirmed in every single work that develops in that place. we cumios of Casaioin the region Valdeorrasthey ran into Refuge I know they threw into the mountain to save life – the goal was not achieved in many two cases – i fighter to overthrow Franco’s dictatorial regime. The strategy was clear: the victory logo of the two allies in the Second World War or the goal of the same two was Franco, but this did not happen and the members of the guerrilla federation who had their headquarters in our daring approach to Casai finished off Morrendo in clashes with the Civil Guard, surrender , revival or fuxindo face or exile through Portugal or France. Cidade da Selva has always been a point of reference in the collective memory: it was said to be given importance against the Franco regime, and information about it passed through various publications. Memories of fuchsids who managed to escape, like Mario de Langullo, testimonies dalgúns reprisalized and traditions preserved in oral memory. But always in a touching way and without any concretion about life, do not set a loit against or an enemy.

Over the years they changed things and research work began to develop that allowed them to find materials, inhabited spaces, recover data and discover heritage remains that were not stained with cement. Also watch A Cidade da Selva audiovisually, through documentaries about the place or logo of the event two years of the civil warhe. I see the project in a new phase Sputnik Labrego. And on the maximum space of the two Valdeorras mountains and the recovery of historical memory, the article said “Casaio, the invisible cartography of war”report on xornalista compostelá Tamara Montero Published in Voice of Galicia or September 22, 2021. And it is precisely this work, not that it also influenced the need to recover the Galician industrial heritage, or the difficult field jury from Xosé Aurelio Carracedo Award as the best two presented at the last call, last year.

Tamara Montero received the award in an act performed on Legation of Ourense, the entity that agreed to create the award in 1988 as a tribute to the Ourensán xornalist who had died a few weeks before in a traffic accident on the N-525 road. Xosé Aurelio Carracedo, who was in the Ourense delegation, worked day by day in the newsroom of La Voz de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela.

In an emotional intervention, the recipient admitted that receiving the award was a reunion with the memory of Carracedo. Ourensán xornalista has reason for a newspaper clipping, yellow at the end of time, which comes across two taboleiros who are in the Compostela xornal delegation. Tamara Montero claimed that Develop your work in the society and culture section of La Voz de Galicia, the importance of cultural journalism and the same importance for changing things. She gave public recognition to her colleagues, “in these moments of quite a deep crisis in the profession”, to those who do not work with her day in and day out in the Compostela editorial office and the collective in general. He has a “special memory” for those who taught these years “as a title, rigorously doing things, the importance of sources and telling stories in a way that is most attractive to the reader.” He confirmed the social importance of practicing boxing “every day as best we can”.

The jury awarding the thirty-second Xosé Aurelio Carracedo prize to the outgoing article “Casaio, the invisible cartography of war” on the condition that it is “an example of what should be reportage, mixing or journalistic style with maximum rigor”. He also looked back, according to the record of handing over Deputy Patricia Torres -to personally congratulate the award winner on her status as a career partner in Xornalismo-, to the honor that Tamara Montero showed her work “skill and talent for joining voices in a polyphonic exercise that offers a new perspective on the wounded of the civil war, until now there is a need to let’s protect our collective memory, affecting in this case the industrial heritage of the country».

Rosendo Fernandez, vice president of the Deputation and the person who became president in the absence of José Manuel Baltar, recalled that the institution created the award and awarded it on the same day that coincides with the Day of Freedom of the Press to reinforce the commitment to quality xornalism and the date of celebration. Lembrou Xosé Aurelio Carracedo as a “raza xornalista” and read excerpts of the article “The Stretched Cat”, by Carlos Casares. The same was published by the missing writer from Ourense in La Voz de Galicia on July 4, 1995 and the same author named the xornalist in the capacity of office associate. He recalled that Casares had two greedy sexes: Carracedo’s model was Real Madrid goalkeeper Alonso, who held up a beautiful photograph of himself flying through the air to catch a ball that hit the scales. Casares found that Carracedo was deceived by the literary aspect of the painting, as the text referred to Alonso’s “beautiful stretched cat”. The author of “A Galiña Azul” wanted to be a poet at that height, and his classmate came up with a joke by writing “a little biography with my name, fictional books and a fantastic life” on the edge of the textbook. An initiative that, as Casares admitted, made him happy.

Clara Carracedosignature of the winner, thanks the Deputation of Ourense for creating his day or award and keeps the memory of his brother alive.

Tamara Montero Barreiro (Compostela, 1985) graduated in decorative arts from USC. Since 2008, he has been working for the culture and society department of La Voz de Galicia. Among other things, he received the Fernández del Riego Award for Opinion Journalism and the Pérez Lugín Special Award for Journalism.

Source: La Vozde Galicia



I am David Miller, a highly experienced news reporter and author for 24 Instant News. I specialize in opinion pieces and have written extensively on current events, politics, social issues, and more. My writing has been featured in major publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and BBC News. I strive to be fair-minded while also producing thought-provoking content that encourages readers to engage with the topics I discuss.

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