The school snack must cover at least between 15% and 18% nutritional needs depending on age, height, whether you suffer from any disease or not.
It is an important meal time in the child’s day school stage.
According to experts, speaking oa healthy snack It does not require complex planning.
But what they should take care of is to enable the little ones a variety of food and in appropriate quantitiesexplained Francisco Herrera Morales, nutritionist.
It is recommended to make these groceries They are attractive to children, with pleasant colors and flavors, without losing their nutritional value.
One of the challenges that parents face when organizing snacks is lack of time and lack creative ideasHerrera shared.
Ideally, you should have one on hand. variety of fruitswhole wheat bread for sandwiches which contain protein (egg, cheese, etc.) and vegetables, you can also add fruit juices with a low sugar content, and there should be no shortage of water, it is important to keep them hydrated during the meal. school day.
In the classroom to students They have to pay attention to what the teachers dictate, since the classes require attention, participation and the ability to learn from the students. For this reason, sending with a snack of low nutritional value can cause a deficiency concentration, fatigue and other conditions that may affect your learning process.
Snacks should be accompanied by 100% natural fruit juice, high quality milk and fresh water.
Back to school shouldn’t be an odyssey, “organizing ahead will help prepare more balanced snacks and better nourish children during this school period.”
Francisco Herrera Morales, nutritionist at Productos Nevada, offers some suggestions tasty and nutritious snacks.
It bears fruit, using kiwi slices to shape the animal’s body; and fruit and peanut butter sandwichgreen and red apples replace bread, are two of many options.
Source: Panama America

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