Miguel Melfi between followers and detractors in Colombia

From the first day, last February 11, participation Miguel Melfi in Colombian Hall of Fame it gave us something to talk about, it started with sharing management with Karen Sevillano and recently, became again head of residence.

As you remember, every week one of the participants through a test wins the leadership of the house and the others. usesHowever, for recent eventsThe Panamanian lost his privileges, including the ability to rescue one of the nominated.

Before we go into details, Melfi is among followers and detractors in Colombia after the kiss she had with Nataly Umañathe actor’s wife Alejandro Estrada and with which it was seen that he had certain attraction.

In recent weeks they have been seen nearby, exchanging glances and smileshowever, finally, on the program on March 1, the couple gave each other The first kisswho was prompted by a challenge given to him by “El Jefe”, a voice that communicates with famous people inside the house.

The challenge consisted in recreating a scene from the novel “Ana de Nadie” and that’s where Melfi and Umaña gave free rein to their closeness, which some liked, some didn’t, they called Panama “Home destroyer“.

In networks, especially Colombian audiencehe fiercely criticized Melfi, although he also has his own defenders and they claim to be ua competence and that the kiss was part of the test.

So much for the kiss, however, something else happened with Umaña that caused the Panamanian to lose his position as host in the house.

Umaña and Melfi they locked themselves in the bathroomfor a few minutes, so the “Boss” made a decision to confiscate it managementbecoming the second famous person to be kicked out of the house.

Celebrity interaction is the subject conversation and jokes in the house.

What do you think about Melfi’s participation so far? Have you found love?

Shared post from Canal RCN (@canalrcn)

Shared post from Canal RCN (@canalrcn)

Source: Panama America



I am Dawid Malan, a news reporter for 24 Instant News. I specialize in celebrity and entertainment news, writing stories that capture the attention of readers from all walks of life. My work has been featured in some of the world's leading publications and I am passionate about delivering quality content to my readers.

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