Sexual anxiety: what should they consider?

Sexual anxiety is the one that occurs around sexual intercourse, it can be before or during a sexual encounter, which affects the enjoyment of intimacy.

That is, it happens when they feel excessive concern in relation to sexual aspects.

A person can feel anxiety symptoms, fear, anxiety before, during and after sex, says psychologist and sexologist Agustina Fulgueiras.

In sexology, we talk about anxiety sexual execution or performance, which is an intense fear of failure, excessive concern for one’s own performance and partner’s satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

Performance anxiety is common act more intensively when they start a new relationship, says the sexologist in an informative post.

This anxious state often causes the opposite of what it wants to happen, anxiety Excessive inhibition of sexual response the ability to let go and enjoy the experience.

Fear of succeed and predict that they will not behave as they want, this can create a loop that is difficult to get out of, says the expert on her Instagram account (@psicologia.sexologia).

This leads to loss sexual desireavoid dating or relationships out of fear that something will go wrong, that the person will reject you, or that you will feel bad about yourself.

Anxiety is a major precipitator and, above all, a maintainer of most sexual dysfunctions.

To make?

There are many things you can do to work on various difficulties, but if they don’t work on the anxiety, beliefs, and distortions that accompany it, there’s a good chance the problem will persist.

Source: Panama America



I am Dawid Malan, a news reporter for 24 Instant News. I specialize in celebrity and entertainment news, writing stories that capture the attention of readers from all walks of life. My work has been featured in some of the world's leading publications and I am passionate about delivering quality content to my readers.

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