Artificial intelligence seduces the stock market: Nvidia caresses a trillion dollars


Technology companies shine again in the markets after a disastrous 2022

The great technology to shine again in bag hand in hand with many expectations that the development Intelligence Artificial (AI). After for these values ​​catastrophic 2022 index nasdaq —which includes the listed companies in the sector— has been revalued by almost 30% this year, with values ​​doubling their price in the heat of a strong improvement in their business results. If the new projects refer to AI, shopping frenzy is served. This is what happens to the price nvidia, which just unveiled new technology that allows users to engage in conversations with virtual characters who receive natural responses. The company, which is up nearly 180% in 2023, made history this week after surpassing the trillion dollar market capitalization (market value) barrier, joining a select club of only nine companies throughout history. A cast that leads Manzana (2.8 trillion), Microsoft (2.5 trillion), Saudi Aramco (2 trillion) alphabet (1.6 trillion) i Amazon ($1.3 trillion). Everything technological.

others like Goal or Tesla They also achieved this in their time, but they are already trading below that limit trillion dollarsNot even Nvidia managed to finish the week above that bar. It ended it at 980,000 million, but analysts say it is only a matter of time before it will re-enter. And this time to stay.

“Despite the high share price, the enthusiasm around Nvidia shows no signs of abating, which shows the continued interest of investors,” explains Gabriel Debach, market analyst at eToro, to Colpisa. In his opinion, as artificial intelligence becomes more widespread, the possibilities for companies and society as a whole are simply incredible; It promises a future of unprecedented innovation, efficiency and opportunity.

Source: La Vozde Galicia



I am Jason Root, author with 24 Instant News. I specialize in the Economy section, and have been writing for this sector for the past three years. My work focuses on the latest economic developments around the world and how these developments impact businesses and people's lives. I also write about current trends in economics, business strategies and investments.

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